History of the Band
Rangiora Brass Band was first formed on Friday the 22nd of November 1878. The meeting was held at the Junction Hotel on High Street Rangiora. The meeting was chaired by Mr H Blackett. A committee was established consisting of Mr G Cone, Mr H Burt, Mr E Hammond, Mr T White, Mr C Merton, Mr C Jennings.
Blackett, Cone, White, Jennings and Burt are all well known Rangiora Streets. 10 pounds was raised by the committee to purchase instruments.
The band has continued to operate continuously to this day. In 1907 the band became an incorporated society. Members served in both great wars but the band managed to keep going through those turbulent years. Over the years the band has moved between grades and at one time was a B grade Band. Rangiora Brass Band is a member of the Brass Band Association of New Zealand and competes regularly at National and provincial contests. Recently the band was promoted to the C Grade for contesting. Over the years the band has won both National and provincial titles.\
The band today is strong, has its own band room situated on Council reserve land at the Northbrook Studios and a fantastic sponsorship from the Rangiora RSA Club.